Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Where has the time gone??

ooopsssss, someone had to remind me that a month has passed since my last blog....
So here a quick update.

School is great, we feel really blessed, even though things are not always easy. I have learned a lot, and so have the children, I hope...

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We went to the houses of Parliament last week... That was a real experience... We managed to get some tickets through our MP to attend the debate/question time. I must admit that it was really entertaining, even though my heart did sink a little realising that they are the ones that reign the country! The youngsters enjoyed the debate though, so we left later than we planned to! Then we found that Jan, who was with us that day, had lost his phone! Well, not really lost it, someone took it! We had to hand in all our stuff, bags, phones etc, before entering the room. When we came back to collect our goods Jan's phone wasn't there... It was little comfort that they told us it hadn't happened for years... They did say though that they would refund his phone if nobody sent it back to him...

This week is our half term. Jan had some friends staying with im, they just left this morning. I'm catching up with some washing etc, and I enjoy spending time around the house.

Today it looks as if there might me some snow coming down any minute. There has been a miniscule bit of snow, more the odd tiny flake, but it still looks as if more is coming... I do love snow, and as it is holidays I don't mind if we had some!!