Saturday, November 25, 2006

Registration visit last Thursday...

"This is the LORD's doing; it is marvellous in our eyes"

Well, we had our visit... The lady came on Thursday, and stayed for a couple of hours in the morning, left just before lunch and came back after lunch for about half an hour...
We had a very good time! It went wonderfully well! She looked at all our paperwork, the building and at the end of the morning she said that she was impressed! We were so well prepared and organised...
She came back in the afternoon to sit in for the music lesson. We started looking at Handel's Messiah, and did some singing ourselves. It's quite a long time ago that I had someone sitting in in my lessons... But I think we did quite well, because when she had to leave, she said that she had thoroughly enjoyed herself AND that she wished that all the schools she inspected were as nice as ours!!! Now, I don't know is those remarks were a typical English thing, like : oh my dear, how woooonderfullll (not). You know what I mean... But she said that she was definately recommending us for registration! We were thrilled!
We know that without God's help we could do nothing. We know that we ourselves could never have prepared the documents and started all this. We actually thought we would have plenty of time... But yesterday in a Bible study group we discussed that there is a time for everything, and that God is in control, and He is the One that sets the times! So Thursday's visit was planned by God, even though we thought we would have another couple of weeks to get ready...

Thank you for your prayers, and please pray that the papers will come through soon. Help us to know the next step, in contacting the churches in Cheltenham to let them know we are open to pupils. Pray for wisdom in planning and organising the first Open Day! This is all very exciting, but we want to do what God wants us to do, in His perfct timing.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Registration visits

Things are moving at last! We had an inspection visit by the firebrigade. That went really well, even though I was very worried about it... So that big hurdle is past! But the main HURDLE is this coming Thursday. The school inspector is coming. She lives in Cheltenham, and sounded nice on the phone, according to Richard...
At the moment we are just getting the papers together for Thursday, and having a general tidy-up. It all depends on this visit. If she thinks we are OK we will be registered in next to no time, if not...well then things can take quite a while...

The Dutch magazine has finally printed our story! We have 3 pages in this Christian family magazine. There are a couple of pictures etc. You can see the little picture if you go to their website, . It should still have us on there... It's quite weird to hear Mr Johnson, Richard, Elizabeth, etc. speaking Dutch...

Kees is here now, for quite a few weeks. Do pray for him as it is not easy to be away from home and girlfriend...! But it is a real encouragement to have him in the school and church.

Please do pray for us, especially for the Thursday inspection visit!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Papers sent off!!

Finally, the registration papers have been sent off!! We are thrilled, and excited!

It will take quite a few weeks for everything to go through, but it's a start! Today, almost a week later, we already had a response. One paper needs adjusting, and a check needs to be done! It's amazing how quick the response was! We hope that this is the only adjustment needed for the moment! Praise God they didn't sent the whole pack back... I think my heart would sink if that would happen...

Please do pray that the process will go through smoothly. We really need your prayers. Thank you for your support in all these months. Things haven't been easy, but God has blessed us and kept us.