Tuesday, August 07, 2007

At Last!!

Praise God! At last we are registered! After all that time of waiting and working, and praying! We are overjoyed that finally everything is accepted!
The next few weeks will be busy, as we need to find a way of advertising the school, contacting churches and telling them that now there is a local alternative to state school education!

We hope that a lot of younger children will join, as we have found that not only are Secondary School children's attitudes formed, but also academically they are so far behind that it makes it quite difficult for them to start later! It often means that they finish their GCSE equivalent by the time their friends finish their A-levels! It is great that the Certificate we issue is accepted and recognised by the government and universities, even though I found that they have to do a huge amount of more work to get the same amount of recognition! But I suppose that this is a good thing, especially seeing the paper about the performance of schools, and how A-levels etc have been dummed down even more this year! I am sure that universities, companies and even the government will soon start asking for another certificate, maybe one that is absolute, like ours, rather that relative..?

I'm looking forward to the next term, as usual! Their are lessons to plan, outings to arrange etc! And now of course the added excitement of organising Open Days! Please pray the Lord will bless the school, and help it t grow, so that more families can be impacted for the Lord! Pray that children will know the Lord, and that they will be able to serve Him wholeheartedly, aided by the school, and things they study!