It is Monday, and really hot! Summer is here at last! I love summer, so I'm relieved that is is nice and hot. It was so hot that even I had to finish off my lunch indoors...
We had John Field staying with us for the weekend. He is in his 80's, and used to be a missionary in South India. He arrived on Saturday, in the middle of madness. We bought a tent a while back, big enough for at least 6 people, with a massive middle room.. We were struggling to set the thing up when he arrived. Fortunately he was quite a technical man, so he even helped us a bit.. He must have thought he arrived at the madhouse...
We had a good Sunday, although in the evening I had a little discussion going with John Field about modern music in church. I do not like modern music in church (or home for that matter). Not because I want to be old fashioned, but because I think there is something fundamentally wrong with it. If you want to know why, look at the website of the Metropolitan Tabernacle, or read Dr Master's book: worship in the meltingpot.
Today I had another driving lesson. I must say that I was quite scared, I do not like driving fast, and it was the first time that I was out on big, busy roads, and driving 60 miles an hour..bbbrrr. It went sort of OK, but I get quite nervous when there is a lorry coming from the other way etc, or when I have to do loads of things at once...
In a minute I will be packing my bag, as I'm going to London tomorrow. I have just heard that they are expecting more bombs in London, so I hope that the Lord will protect us. It is good to know that we are in His hands, though, nothing will happen that He doesn't want to happen to me!