Thursday, October 20, 2005

Back from Holland

We came back from Holland yesterday afternoon. We have had a great time! One of our friends got married, and since we were over for the wedding anyway we decided to stay a few days extra...
When we arrived it was midsummer! More than 20 degrees! I regretted having taken only one t-shirt!
The wedding was great, I hope to write on that a bit more later on. We did quite a few things, we went to a Monkey Zoo called Apenheul. That is in the same town as my parents live, so we went there by bike...
We also went to some young people's evening, where a pastor came to speak on The Importance Of Self-Examination.
On saturday we went to an Museum in the open air, where they have old Dutch buildings etc, where you can see how they lived, worked and played.

And of course we went for a long bike ride with my parents. Problem is that round Apeldoord it is quite hilly... Long slopes, gradually going up and up.. It seemed endless! We were both quite out of puff by the end! Fortunatelly the last bit went really steeply downhill, so we were home in a flash! My poor legs did feel very tired though.. I'm not used to it anymore! I'll have to get one of those hometrainers I think, and practise...!

We travelled by coach, it was a good thing that we were there quite early so we could choose our seat..! That meant we had some space for our legs, as Richard has quite long legs.... But we made it, and as I'm still a bit frazzled, I will write a bit more another time!


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