Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Summer is past..??

Dear me, what a summer I have had!!
Quite a crazy one, really.. I'm still recovering! I won't tell you all I have been up to in one go, it would be endless!!

One of the things I will say though is that we have been to Scotland! And we had great weather too!! It was probably the only hot week they have had in Scotland this year, and we had it for a looooong weekend in Inverness!

We were in Inverness for the Highland Bible Conference. It was at the church of Rev Maurice Robert, and Rev Malcolm Watts was preaching for the conference, as well as the Lord's Day! Needless to say, we have had a great time!!
The theme was God With Us, and the preaching was extremely helpful, as it usually is when Malcolm Watts is preaching! He worked out the theme in many different ways, but quite unusually as well.

After church we had some great fellowship with the other people! It turned out that they were used to having experience meetings when they are tegether. It was wonderful to hear how the Lord had been working in the lives of many people! It was great to talk together about the things of God, and to share one another's burdens as well.

The singing I had to get used to. In church is sounded awful, like cows, but when we were together in people's houses, and the speed got turned up a little, I really got to like the Scottisch psalms! Although I still prefer the Dutch Psalms... but that's just because I'm used to those, more than anything else... If only I could get the English to sing the English translations of the Dutch psalms...

I will have to go, as there is our own church meeting tonight, and I have to do some cooking before that... I do miss the highlands, though, and I can't wait to come back to them!! My heart is in the highlands, my heart is not here....


At 11:06 pm , Blogger Clare said...

I am laughing here in Cheltenham, Maressa...

the scottish sound like cows when they sing do they?

So, so funny...



At 5:02 pm , Blogger Maressa said...

I like your picture.. who is'Fatbaptist, the grinning guy at the back, or the sensible looking man in the front..?

At 10:05 pm , Blogger Clare said...

Maybe both of us!

But definately me. You need to read my blog!

At 3:15 pm , Blogger Maressa said...

Yeah, I have had a quick look at your blog....
What do you think of the Scottish psalms then?? Mind you, the singing of your previous church is not really something I would like to write about...

At 1:53 pm , Blogger Clare said...

Scottish Psalms?

I thought the psalms were written in Hebrew...


I like Psalm singing but some of the metricals are... not to my taste.

As for the singing at my previous church, I prefer it to almost any other singing I have heard. Most singing in the UK is awful.

I walked into church last wednesday evening during the first hymn, and when I sung it doubled the sound. People need to get some voice coaching !!!

At 2:35 pm , Blogger Maressa said...

Hhaha, yes, I agree.... Although your church used to be very good at singing...

But I cannot believe that you really like the singning in your previous church! I always think the singing there is terrible!

The Psalms I like, and which are in the Anglo-Genevn psalmbook, are beautiful! That is real proper poetry, good music etc etc... Calvin never did anything half!
And I must admit, I find singing the Metrical Scottish psalms a little bit of a painful expreience...


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