Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Tuesday, still summer

We had a bit of a sad weekend really! Sjoerd was going on Monday, so it was saying goodbyes over the last few days. The last service, the last meals.... Meals were always an important part of our day. Not only because Sjoerd is a food-lover, but also because of the discussions going on at the table.. A meal was not just about stuffinf food into your mouth at top-speed, but was the social highlight of the day!

Anyway, after giving out presents etc etc I even got myself into cooking breakfast monday morning... That was bad news. Breakfast was at 7, as Tup had to be at college in time, and we had to set off early as well. Sjoerd choose to study in Norwich, which is about the other side of the world!
So we set out on our journey in our red Scooby-van to pick up Mr Johnson, our deacon, and good friend of Sjoerd. He is well past retiring age, but still works 3 days a week...Keeps him young he says..

Anyway, we drove all the way to Norwich, or nearly Norwich, to Alan Clifford, a well known pastor, who was going to put up with Sjoerd for a few days...
We had some great conversations! To my joy he showed us his hymnbook, which has a full psalter. Not just any psalter, or the Scottish one I like sooo much (NOT), but the Anglo-Genevan! It is the same psalter as is used in Holland! The psalms I know and love! So we bought a few copies, and who knows we might even start using them on Wednesdays in the prayermeeting! At the moment I am quite happy to look at the psalms, and get a little steamed up when some of the nicest verses are missing.. o well, one can't have everything!

It is amazing all the books Alan Clifford has on Hugenots or however you English would like to spell it... We had a lovely afternoon with him and his wife in the sun...

Then, sadly, it was time to say goodbye to all, especially Sjoerd... It was really weird to leave him behind! So quiet....!
We drove back, just stopped for a hot meal, and were home about 10 at night... Tup had been quite busy, which made me happy! She had quite a good day at college, so I hope she will keep on liking college... It will be hard work though!

Today Richard's mum came to pick up Jake, Richard's youngest brother.. He had stayed with us all weekend, been a little too excited for our liking, but well, he enjoyed it, so we did as well in a sense. It is always nice to have Jake staying though, although you have to watch him.. He likes clocks, and will try to wind them or open the at 3 in the morning or so...


At 2:36 pm , Blogger Maressa said...

Thank you, and I will have a look! And do visit again!


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