Monday, September 26, 2005

Autumn is here...

Autumn is come, the summer is past. Winter will be too soon! Stars will shine clearer, moon seems nearer under the autumn sky.. Something like that was a song we learned at college.. And I'm sure it's true..

School has started! And it's great! The building is cool, nice and big with lots of windows! My cooking lessons are going fine, I'm really enjoying them!

I have to make some more lessons this afternoon, so that can be fun.... I just hope the computer co-operates, as it is in a bit of a funny mood today... Probably doesn't like the cold either!

We made oven-potatoes and salad last week, and it was great! As desert we had scones.... The children liked it, and altough I didn't taste any of it, it just looked and smelled lovely!

On Saturday I went to the hairdresser's, a place I haven't been to for the past 10 years or so... I had been trying to grow my hair for the past year, but was getting fed up with it! My hair just doesn't want to do what I want it to do! It usually looked really scruffy and untidy, so I had had enough! Now it is really short. It will grow, as it is a little too short for my liking... Anyway, it is much easier to deal with, I must admit! Even though I had to pay a fortune to get it done! I remembered at the end why I always cut it myself or let a friend do it....

I will have to get moving I think, as the house is getting more and more like a tip! Plus there are some letters to write, lessons to make and prepare, etc etc.... Richard is not here today, so it gives me the freedom and space to start moving around, and get the place sorted!


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