Dare I say it...?
Dare I say it? But I really believe we have a building! Praise God!
We went to see this Scout leader, and he showed us round the place. It was well kept really, maybe a bit old fashioned, but ok. I liked it, there is quite a lot of out door space, a big hall, and a small room where we can store things. He is really laid back, and told us that he saw no reason why we couldn't use the building... We settled on a price... and that was it... He has to speak to his committee, but they always do what he says, he assured us. He told us that we could more or less 100% see the place as ours. Well, during the day, of course, it doesn't mean that the scout hut belongs to us, but we have the rent of it...
I still can hardly believe it! It seems to be too good to be true! I still fear something will happen that will undo this decision...
But then I do let myself rejoice in this good NEWS!! That we will have a roof over our heads in January....!!! Thank God for His goodness to us!
There is just one nagging question in my mind: why is this Non-Christian the only one to be enthousiastic about our school, about us using the building for so little money, about having a Christian school?? Non of the churches we have approached were like that! The sounder the church, the worse the reaction.....! But this man, as soon as we rang him said: O, I'm sure we can come to some sort of arrangement! Most churches reacted the opposite way: we don't think you want to have a school in our building... Incredible... Am I wrong to think that somehow we have given satan too much footing in our churches and in our hearts? Do we think about education the way God looks at it, a preparation for eternity, Christ being the very centre of our schools? Of our hearts?
I find it very difficult. Having a Bible-based curriculum doesn't make your school a Christian school, although it is a help. But what does make a school a Christian School, where Christ is the centre and Head?
Glad you have a building. I don't think it is quite fair to accuse everyone of not wanting to help.
On a public web site, it is hard to make points without being specific.
Needless to say, if lending a building was my decision, I would be sympathetic to your request.
But there are other major issues which people have which are quite legitimate.
It is not unfair to ask whether this school will distract from the work you both need to do at your church, which is in great need. I think that is why people may be reluctant to help with the school project.
It may also be worth bearing in mind that you are quite outspoken and perhaps you have upset some people in the past who are now unwilling to listen.
I'm not saying that they are right, or that you are wrong. But keep calm - there is enough bad feeling about these days and we are all in difficult spiritual situations.
You know the frustrations I have week by week.
Trust the Lord.
Where is the scout hut?
Oh., and what about insurance?
Congrats, the Lord is good...
I would not be too frustrated at churches not helping out. Some churches I have heard would not allow other congregations to use their premises (guilty by association?), let alone a school!
They are probably concerned about safety (hence Jonathan;s query about insurance), child protection laws, ratio of teachers to students, whatever... There are laws in this land which we are still to abide to (Christian school is no exception), hence please make sure you do not get yourself and the Scout group into problems.
Will be praying for you all...
Thanks FB....
I must say that I do object to your comment... I agree that it is a fair comment, nothing wrong with that, so that's not the reason.
1. I'm upset with most of the churches in Cheltenham, who don't want to help us with a building because they disagree with a Christian School. And along comes an unbeliver, and he is more than willing to help. I think that is just so sad!
2. I haven't been outspoken in your church, if that is what you mean? I might have been in my first months in England, but I quickly learned my lesson in Reformed England: Don't speak the truth to people, and don't expect them to speak the truth to you.. Might sound hard, but that is how I learned to stay clear of trouble in the church. And yes, I am outspoken, but I don't judge people, and I love people, but I do find it frustrating sometimes that when you are honest people explode on the spot.
2. I know people in your church think we should stick to working in Eastcombe. That might me a fair comment, we would love to do that. Just evangelise the area, don't worry about anything else etc. But God has really put it on our hearts to reach the young people, and the start this school. If the choice was ours. we would spend the evening at our log fire, instead of planning school uniforms, rules etc ...
4. Yes, we are looking at insurance. We want our school to be a Christian School, which means that we follow the rules the government has put down. We do know what we are doing, however thick we might look. So thaks for your reminder on that, and don't worry. The school will be better insured that our house is apparently. Just pray the house won't burn down, as we will be landed with a bill that will takes us about 3 lifetimes to pay back.
No-one said you are thick.
The way you respond is precisely the problem. You assume that everyone is against you. It just isn't so. Decisions are taken by very few people in very few places. It doesn't mean everyone else is against you.
You are so cynical that it makes me want to weep. If I was as cynical as you I would have left my church months ago - and what would then have become of the gospel opportunities? You have to work with people. No-one changes overnight. Will I last out where I am now? I don't know, but I will pray until I drop for changes in hearts and minds.
You said people think you should 'just evangelise the area'.
That isn't a 'just'. It is a lifetime's work.
Thanks Fb...
You forget maybe that I was at your church for a long time? That I still consider them to be my best friends? I do take things seriously whatever they say. I know people sometimes have good reasons to say what they say... The things that frustrate you harly frustrated me, as I knew where they were coming from... I never considered leaving that church, nor any other for that matter, as I agree with you, that you have to work with the people you've got.
I agree that we should 'just evangelise our area', and that that is a lifetime's job. We need help with that though, and we never received the proised help. Not from people in our own congregation, nor from any of the other churches. I know it is easy to promise things, easier than to actually do something. I'm not blaming anyone, as we know how hard it is to do things.
People seem to forget though that the school is not going to be build at the expense of the village. I'll still be running all the children and teenager groups, as well as the women's bible study, as well as helping in Evangelism,as well as lookign after the young girl that is living with us, as well ashelping in the church, as well as helping our Dutch evangelist, as well as....
We are not starting the school because we are bored, but because we belive God has called us to do so. And that I am disappointed in the attitude of people who should know better, well, I know I'm not the only one! That doesn't mean that I now look down on them, love them less, am less close to them or anything! It just has taught me that following Christ is not an easy matter, as you know too well.
I don't think I am cynical. If that is the impression you have, I'm sorry. I love the church where you go to, and would love to be still a part of them, as I was for quite a few years. And I know that there are people there who would love to suport us, and who pray for us regularly. Which is what we need. But we need practical support too. But when I write about the church's response, I actually hadn't got that church in mind... But I don't want to name churches, as I feel that that might change the way people regard them. And I don't want that. For I still love them, and want the best for them.
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