Friday, September 30, 2005


Friday at last! We've had a busy week, but it was nice!
I did some cooking this afternoon with the juniors: soup and pizza... I had taken the breadmachine into school, so I made some brown bread dough for the pizza's and we topped them, baked them ate them... mmmmmmmm They looked great, apart from me having totally forgotten that cheese is one of the main ingredients in pizza.... Never mind, they seemed to disappear fast enough.....!

Now it is weekend.. I have no plans for this evening, apart from hanging the washing, doing some cleaning etc etc.. Tomorrow is the Salisbury conference, I hope to give you an update on that. Fatbaptist is coming with us.. Hey, I hope you will behave.... We don't want to get a bad name by bringing friends along!

Apart from that I'm still waiting to hear from a particular scouthut in Cheltenham, as we hope to rent it from them.. sigh, why does everything have to take sooooo long?????? As soon as we hear from them, and we can arrange something, we can then start making final arrangements for our school. Won't I be relieved!!!!

I just feel sad though that no Reformed Christians seem to have a vision or a heart for their or other people's children... CAN'T PEOPLE SEE WHAT THEY ARE DOING TO THEIR KIDS??????
Sorry, but I feel very strongly about that, and if any one wants to speak to me about it, you're welcome.. Even better, if you want us to come to your church and speak about it, we'll come!


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