Winter is still in England... But in spite of all that we went for a lovely walk this afternoon! We went up Leckhampton hill, right to the top... I must admit that it was very windy up there!
We old people came a bit behind, but we did make it to the top, although it took me a while to get my breath back! I must admit that I am terribly unfit those days, so I will have to do something about that!!

Anyway, when we did get to the top we had some hot chocolate, although the hot chocolate wasn't hot anymore, rather a bit luke warm... But it was a drink, and it was chocolate, so it was ok...
The view was amazing, and I will try and post some pictures on here soon... just the view was worth all the effort it cost us to make it up there... It always strikes me that the God we serve and love and adore made all that! When looking at the splendid views, the hills, river, endless space etc, I know that my Saviour made all that!
It might snow tonight...In a way I hope it does, as everything looks so beautiful after a good snowfall... But I must admit that I wouldn't fancy driving in snow... So it would be rather inconvenient just now, but well, it doesn't snow every day, so I think I will enjoy it if it does snow over night...
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