Salisbury Conference
Saturday was quite a busy day! We went to the Salisbury Conference, a annual conference held at Emmanuel Church in Salisbury set off early, Fatbaptist decided not to come with us, as Mrs B. came with him as well. Mr Johnson came with us, which meant I couldn't drive.. Maybe just as well...
We got there in good time, had some coffee and a wander round.
The conference was excellent! Very challenging!
Pastor Malcolm Watts gave the first address, which was more the theological basis for the Sabbath being on Sunday, the usage of the term Sabbath, Lord's Day etc.
The second address was by Dr Robert Oliver, about the Lord's Day in the 17th century, and all the problems they had, and how that relates to us today.
The last address was by Pastor John Thackway, about the practical way of keeping the Christian Sabbath.
It was a good day, although very challenging! I felt quite pricked about various things. But it is always good to be challenged and the accordingly change your life! It most clearly showed that the Sabbath should be a delight to us!
We did have a good day yesterday, with a challenging sermon in the evening about forgiveness. There is quite a lot of hurt around, and are we prepared to forgive, whether asked for it or not..?
Anyway, today I changed a few things on the school's website, mainly the background colours.. Do have a look, and leave your comments! Constructive criticism is always welcome! I changed our logoto autumn colours...

I prepared my cooking lessons for this week. They are having a break from the little test I do every week with them... It's just that there isn't anything to ask really this week, because of the food we made last week... We are having spinach this week... mmmmmmmmmmm........
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