Saturday, October 22, 2005

SRA...What is that..?

I just want to write a bit about the young people's evening we went to in Holland. They are organised by an organisation called SRA, Stichting Reformatorisch Appel.
As quite a few churches in Holland are hyper-Calvinistic, this group of youngish people started organising evenings where they invited pastors to come and bring the Gospel. Unfortunately, being young, they were't that tactful about it, and it caused quite a stir... That seems to have died a bit now, and the evenings are getting more balanced as well.

We went to the meeting in Hardinxveld-Giessendam (a mouthful, especially for English mouths, we found..). There were at least 200 people there, mostly young people, but also some older people. The pastor that spoke that evening had as theme the Need for Self-Examination. He was very good, quoting Ryle, Spurgeon and Bunyan, to Richard's delight... Very strange to hear Ryle speaking fluent Dutch...

The set up of those evenings is that a pastor or Theological student preaches or lectures, then there is a break, after the break the pastor will answer questions. You can hand your questions in, or put your hand up. One girl asked how to come to Christ, another one had a question about assurance..
It was really good to be there, and the lecture was very helpful too. We went with my younger sister who regularly visits those evenings. For those of you who can cope with Dutch, the SRA website has the lectures on there, as well as other lectures. It's worth learning Dutch for!


At 1:07 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Nice to read about my favorite evenings in English!

But I have a nice announcement!! There is also one English lectore, from pastor De Vries, he was talking about 'Coming to Christ', a Dutch lecture, which is translated into English!

Be blessed!!

Oh, for those who don't know me, I am 'the younger sister' :-)

At 5:56 pm , Blogger Maressa said...

Hi, yes, I had to write about that... I will have a look at the site soon as well! Thanks!


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